Witness His Wonders

Wonders of God

A Journey of

Divine Encounter

Once, David Victor was traveling to a village for an Easter Service on a motorbike with a companion. At 3:00 am, on a lonely road through a dense forest, a wild elephant suddenly blocked their path. They abandoned the bike and ran as the elephant chased them.

Just then, a bus appeared with only a driver and conductor on board. They got on, and the bus moved towards their bike. The elephant retreated into the forest, and they retrieved their bike. As they continued driving, they looked back to see if the bus was following them, but it had vanished. They realized it was God’s angels who had come to protect them.

A Testimony of

Miraculous Provision

Once, He was need of some money and he kept praying for that. He did not ask anyone but was praying though the day came and time was nearing. He believe that even at the last moment Jesus would do a miracle.

His faith did not go waste, Suddenly Jesus said, Go and stand near the first shop, you will see a man coming to you. He will give you the money you need. He obeyed his words and went and stood near the shop, a stranger came near him and gave the money he needed.

A Revelation Through

Speaking in Tongues

Once, his son’s school principal invited him and family for prayer. The principal was a Roman Catholic and did not show much interest to the word of God. When the prayer time came, Lord descended on brother David Victor and He started speaking in tongues for a long time.

When the prayer got over, The principal asked if brother know Greek language. David Victor said that he doesn’t know Greek. The Principal was shocked and said that The Lord reveled his Past Present & future through brother David Victor in Greek. The Principal accepted Jesus as His savior.